Before the beginning of IBDP’s second year the whole class went hiking for two hours and reached Baita Malgonera, stayed there for one night and the day after returned home. Thanks to this experience we were able to increase our social skills and improve the class atmosphere creating a better friendship between classmates. Moreover, each one of us had a specific role for example cooking, cleaning or cutting the wood this showed us how in order to live peacefully inside a community is it important to have roles and respect them. It was a great experience.
- Collegio Pio X
- Offerta formativa
- Orientamento università
- Calendario scolastico 2024/2025
- Progetto Educativo
- Scuola dell’Infanzia
- Scuola Primaria
- Scuola Secondaria di I grado
- Amministrazione, Finanza e Marketing
- Pio X International
- Presentazione
- The International Certificate of Education
- Why is a Cambridge qualification so valuable?
- Curriculum GRADES 9 and 10 (primo biennio)
- The International Certificate of Education
- I.C.E. Examinations
- il Diploma Programme
- Introduction to IB Diploma Programme (IB DP)
- TOK, CAS and EE
- IB Learner Profile
- La struttura del percorso Grades 11 and 12
- Diplomi ad equipollenza linguistica
- Diplomi ad equipollenza scientifica
- Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e per l’Orientamento (ex-Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro)
- Presentazione
- Scuola superiore
- Musica al Pio
- Attività e Servizi
- Fondazione O.M.C.
- Contatti
- Ex allievi
- Aree riservate
- Segreteria
- Libri di testo