Pio X International
… the most important PERSON it’s YOU.
Pio X International
Pio X International offers a 4-year course of study split into two courses of 2 year duration featuring the curricula of the Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP). At the end of each 2 year period, students will sit external examinations in each of the subject studied.
The completion of the international high school course leads to the award of the prestigious IB diploma which gives worldwide access to institutions of Higher Education, including Italian universities, thanks to the official equivalence given by the Italian Ministry of Education with a “Diploma di Liceo scientifico” or “Linguistico” or “Scienze umane”.
All subjects – apart from Italian and Spanish/French/German – are taught in English; During IGCSE pupils follow a set of subjects balanced around the subject areas suggested by Cambridge. Later, in their IB DP years, students will choose a personalized discipline set, where High Level Subjects and Standard Level Subjects can be arranged with more freedom. In this context, the core subjects of Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS), Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and the Extended Essay (EE) make the IB DP a unique educational experience.
The aim of the international school is to place the student at the center of the learning process. The teaching and learning methods are designed to allow the talents of each and every student to flourish by developing their learner profile characteristics, so the students are helped to become.
√ Caring | √ Communicators |
√ Knowledgeable | √ Inquirers |
√ Open-minded | √ Reflective |
√ Thinkers | √ Balanced |
√ Risk-takers | √ Principled |
These will enable them to grow as a successful life-long learner with a set of highly valuable skills and attributes.
Il Pio X International offre un percorso di studi di quattro anni diviso in due differenti curricula biennali: l’International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) della Cambridge e l’International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP). Alla conclusione di ogni biennio gli studenti sostengono un esame in ognuna delle materie studiate.
Alla conclusione dei quattro anni lo studente consegue il prestigioso IB Diploma che consente l’accesso alle migliori Università nel mondo e in Italia: l’equipollenza riconosciuta dal Ministero dell’Istruzione garantisce la validità di Diploma di Stato linguistico, scientifico o delle Scienze umane. Tutte le materie, ad eccezione di italiano, religione e lingua straniera, sono insegnate in lingua inglese da docenti certificati IB; le attività di “Creativity, Activity and Service”, la “Teoria della Conoscenza” e la “Tesi” rendono l’IB Diploma una esperienza educativa unica e completa.
Lo studente viene posto al centro di un processo di apprendimento dove i metodi per insegnare e imparare sono strutturati per garantire lo sviluppo dei talenti e della persona dello studente. Questi infatti, attraverso lo sviluppo del percorso didattico attorno ai principi del “Learner profile”, sviluppa competenze ed abilità di alto livello proprie del “life-long learner”, il cittadino di oggi che non smette mai di apprendere.
Cambridge Assessment International Education
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